A few days ago the seedlings had to deal with an unintended drought as I woke up late. I did lose a few of them, but I managed to revive the rest. I am glad I started way more seeds than I will actually need this season. I now water a bit extra before I go to bed as well as when I get up. The grow light is on a timer, so I don’t need to worry about that.
The seedlings have almost outgrown their mats, and it’ll soon be time to add another growing medium. I have decided on using coconut fibre, but this year it’ll be with a twist. I found a coco coir that also contains this mushroom that helps the roots grow and protects the plants from pests. I saw it and I figured, why not? It’s called Mycorrhizae and I am eager to see what it will do for my seedlings. It was a mix between a want and a need. I did need a growing medium, but I also wanted to try it. It’s a large package and when I realised it will last me for a few years, that made the decision for me.
I also bought the little net baskets so that I can turn my canning jars into hydroponic systems. I can’t wait to have fresh greens all year round!
I have more than enough bean plants, so now I just need them to grow strong roots so that they’ll do well outside too.
I planted some of the brassica plants in the containers outside even though the temperatures are still somewhat unstable. I did keep a few indoor as well, just in case. They don’t want too much heat when they’re young, I’ve noticed, so I figured they might enjoy the spring weather.
I placed the pepper plants in another repurposed mini greenhouse and they’re doing great.
The corn plants need an extra growing medium soon, but other than that, they are forming cute stalks.
There are some cucumber seeds I am waiting for, but a handful of seedlings are now growing in my hydroponic system.
I took the onion seeds outside as well, and placed them in the onion bed. Perhaps they’ll do better there.
Small flowers
Most of the flower seeds are still at the germination stage, and only a few of them have turned into true seedlings.
The squash plants grew their true leaves last week and they are doing great.
The sunflowers have been ready for a while now, so I just need to keep well watered.
The tomato plants are doing great and they’ll soon grow their true leaves.
Will you be growing any food this year?
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