The Importance Of A F*** You Fund & How To Learn What Your FU Amount Is
Ensure your freedom to leave any situation that is no longer serving you.
Ensure your freedom to leave any situation that is no longer serving you.
In this busy society, we often forget to take care of ourselves. Taking care of everything else always seem to come first. This needs to change.
Buying new is neither sustainable nor economical. So let’s not.
The holidays are steadily approaching, all while food costs and all costs really, are at an all-time high. Affording the food, let alone the gifts this year will take some serious planning…
The cheese I made has now been waxed, weighed and frozen.
It’s that time of year. Once or twice a year, I make plant-based cheese in bulk, and today’s the day.
This is one of the best and easies passive income sources that I’ve tried. I earn a few gift certificates or money sent to my PayPal ever month.
Clothes are expensive, and the environmental impact is not good. This is how you can deal with both.